Indigenous Earth Community Podcast
An empowering journey alongside Indigenous heroes from around the world. In ’Indigenous Earth,’ you’re not just a listener; you’re an active participant in a transformative mission to become true stewards of our planet. Explore inspiring stories and wisdom from Indigenous cultures, and on how to take steps to connect and protect our beautiful Earth. Indigenous Earth Community Podcast is proudly powered by Indigenous Earth INC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Mission: Sharing and preserving Indigenous knowledge through storytelling and workshops to educate and inspire youth and communities to take action for a thriving Earth now and for generations to come.
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
We all know that the timeless Indigenous value of environmental stewardship is needed now more than ever and that we must all stand up on behalf of Mother Earth!
I had a very good conversation with Indigenous authors Keith Egawa and Chenoa Egawa, about their book “The Whale Child” where they tell a story of the existing environmental issues with a message of hope, education, sharing, and action.
If you are searching for an Indigenous story that can bring the complex topic of climate change to an younger audience in a warm and hopeful way, you are going to love to hear about “The Whale Child” and about the authors, who have spend their lives bringing positive change to their communities.
Get a copy of the book and connect with the authors here:
I love this book so much, that I want to send a couple copy of the “The Whale Child” to listeners of our podcast!
Visit our website: and leave us a voicemail by hitting the mic icon. Give us your name, what part of the world you are listening from, and what has been the most interesting thing you have learned on our podcast. I will then choose randomly some of the listeners to get a copy of The Whale Child!
The voicemail will be heard on future episodes, so leave us a message!
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
Where we celebrate Indigenous heroes from around the world, and learn from them on how to honor the traditions of protecting the planet. We discuss actionable tips on how to connect to our beautiful planet while lessening our daily impact.
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
MiLizbeth Flaco es una guardiana del bosque, criada en el corazón de la selva de Panamá. Después de décadas de búsqueda a un lugar seguro por causa de la guerra civil en Colombia, pudo finalmente encontrar un lugar seguro al que llamar hogar. Pero ahora con el cambio climático y la contaminación de los ríos, su hogar esta amenazado. Pero MiLizbeth, es una guardiana del bosque y a organizado programas de educación para jóvenes para defender el rio, su tierra, su futuro y nuestro planeta.
Escucha este episodio para aprender más sobre cómo proteger a "Egoró Papa", como los Emberá llaman a la madre tierra y la historia de Milizabeth.
Conéctate con MiLizbeth Flaco:
🌿Emberá Panamá🌿
Bienvenidos al Podcast Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
Donde celebramos a los héroes indígenas de todo el mundo y aprendemos de ellos sobre cómo honrar las tradiciones de proteger el planeta. Damos consejos prácticos de cómo conectarse con nuestro hermoso planeta mientras reduciendo nuestro huella ambiental.
Si te gusta esta entervista en español mándame una mensaje a mi instagram, para saber que necesito publicar mas en este lenguaje, gracias!
Presentado por Frank Oscar Weaver
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Welcome to our special 2022 Earth Day Episode!
We're chatting with Moonstar, from Walatowa-Pueblo of Jemez. Moonstar is a community organizer, activist, fashion model, and teacher who works with Indigenous youth to help them organize environmental projects.
We talk about how to deal with climate anxiety, her’s grandfather's Eagle feather, what we can do to help heal our planet, and UNITY's mid year conference where she lead a workshop in organizing environmental projects.
Hope you enjoy it!
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
Where we celebrate Indigenous heroes from around the world, and learn from them on how to honor the traditions of protecting the planet. We discuss actionable tips on how to connect to our beautiful planet while lessening our daily impact.
If you enjoy this episode, could you share it with two friends?
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
MiLizbeth Flaco is a guardian of the forest. She was raised in the heart of the Panama jungle after a decades long search for a safe place from the civil war in Colombia. After finally found a secure place to call home, climate change and pollution are increasingly becoming a threat to her home. But MiLizbeth have begun to organize youth education programs to defend their land and future. Listen to this episode to learn more about how to protect "Egoró Papa" as the Emberá people call mother Earth.
Connect with MiLizbeth Flaco
🌿Emberá Panamá🌿
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
Where we celebrate Indigenous heroes from around the world, and learn from them on how to honor the traditions of protecting the planet. We discuss actionable tips on how to connect to our beautiful planet while lessening our daily impact.
If you enjoy this episode, could you share it with two friends?
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
A very hard-hitting interview with Neil Giardino, an American journalist whose storytelling focus is on the Amazon and indigenous peoples. Neil is a freelance journalist who has stories published on NBC and Al Jazeera, who just returned from a trip to Paraguay where he reported on land eviction of indigenous people from their ancient and traditional lands.
In this episode, we cover several key topics, including:
Drinking Terere, and the medicinal purposes of Yerba mate 2:08
How Indigenous communities in Paraguay are fighting big soy. Amid pesticide contamination and land evictions, tribal leaders say their villages in Paraguay are at a crisis point. 5:05
The Asháninka village of Boca Pachiri a violent flashpoint along the global cocaine trade route - a seemingly peaceful indigenous community surrounded by enemies — armed coca farmers, narco-traffickers, and a splintered faction of narco-terrorists. 11:10
Tips on how to begin telling stories, even before starting formally in a journalism career. 14:52
and much , much more!
Connect with Neil Giardino:
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Neil's Image of Ava Guarani children observe a tractor spraying pesticides at the edge of their village [Neil Giardino/Al Jazeera
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
We celebrate Indigenous heroes and allies from around the world and learn from them how to honor the traditions of protecting the planet. We discuss actionable tips on how to connect to our beautiful planet while lessening our daily impact.
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
If you want to be alerted of new episodes, sign up here:
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
What Is Overshoot Day? How Can You Stop It? Overshoot Day with Sháán díín Cedar
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
July 29th came in just like another day
People went through their daily lives, like just another day...
But after 155 days in 2021, we have reached Earth Overshoot day
(a day that marks the moment in time when demand for earth’s ecological resources exceeds what the planet can regenerate.)
And each year, this day comes in earlier and earlier...
Its halfway through the year, and humans have already surpassed what global resources can sustain in a single year
The lumber we can sustainably harvest, the fisheries we fish, the ore we mine, the pollution we put in our waters...
Our planet needs a break…
Here’s how we can make a difference
Think about our demand for stuff.
Is it necessary?
Is it resource intensive?
Can we shift your demand toward the “reuse” economy?
Advocate for initiatives that your employer can take. Ask:
Do we have a sustainability and equity commitment and are we actively executing on it?
How do we source our products? Are there alternatives?
How are we tracking and reducing our carbon footprint?
Show up at the ballot box.
Look up your local, state, and federal leadership and put the pressure on.
Support and elect leadership strong on climate and environmental justice.
Call, email, tag, tweet at your leaders. They see these messages. Have a relationship with your leaders and demand actions.
Hold them accountable, but also give praise where praise is due.
Engage at whatever level you can manage
This translates to pushing the overshoot date back and ultimately reestablishing ecosystem balance.
Our planet needs us.
#overshootday cop26 #UNClimateConference
If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
Connect with Sháán díín Cedar
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Soundscapes by Movix Productions
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast!
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
A great episode to start is Episode 21: "A poem for the Earth by an Indigenous Nahuatl Women Esmeralda Gonzales"
Welcome to Indigenous Earth Community Podcast
My name is Frank Oscar Weaver, Growing up in Paraguay, I participated in many environmental projects with the Guarani People. Leading me to be initiated in a ritual called KUNUMI PEPY, a lip piercing ceremony. Making me an official member of the Pai Tavyteras . There I learn the Arandu Ka’aty, the traditional teachings of Earth Keeping.
After I moved to the U.S I made many friends from different tribes and original habitants communities from all over the world, learning that every indigenous community also have similar traditions of protecting the planet.
Now that the climate crisis is upon us, and our planet is changing, more then ever we need to listen to Indigenous communities who are at the forefront of climate resilience, and learn from them on how we can help heal the planet, and be more sustainable in our day to day life.
Hope you enjoy our conversations, so please subscribe to our show, and if you like our conversations, give us a rating on Apple Podcast, as thats is how we spread our message. Aguye!
If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Soundscapes by Movix Productions
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
A poem for the Earth by an Indigenous Nahuatl Women Esmeralda Gonzales
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
To honor the Indigenous people of Mexico, we have Esmeralda Gonzalez, who is a teacher of the Indigenous language Nahuatl, and also an earth guardian, leading group of students in reforestation projects of native trees. Esmeralda shares the ancient wisdom of the Nahualt passed down generations after generation. This community wisdom speaks of the importance of taking care of our planet for generations to come.
Esmeralda shares a heartbreaking poem that reminds us why we must care for our planet earth before it is too late. Translated to English as "The Earth is Sad" we hear an emotional rendition of those beautiful verses.
Thank you for listening to our podcast Indigenous Earth Community Podcast.
Where we celebrate Indigenous conservation heroes from around the world, and learn from them on how to honor the traditions of protecting the planet. We discuss actionable tips on how to connect to our beautiful planet while lessening our daily impact.
Highly recommend to listen to this podcast with headphones!
If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
Hosted by Frank Oscar Weaver
Soundscapes by Movix Productions